Special Press Brake Tooling

up to 10m in 1 piece!!!

Tools catalog - DOWNLOAD

adjustable dies – with changing V opening

  • manual;
  • semi-automatic;
  • automatic;
  • modular;

Punches and dies on special request, to implement new details; Method of making and material used may be different according to customer's needs;

Special punches with interchangeable inserts, for radius inserts – straight or "gooseneck" shape;

Special tools for few bends in 1 step;

Dies with interchangeable radii;

multi-V dies;

Cone shape tools – to produce all kind of pipes, poles with variable diameters;

Reinforced tools for large pressess, to bend thick and resistant materials such us: Hardox, Domex, Weldox.

Guides and runners for machines and tools;;

Pneumatic Hemming Table

can be instaled in every Press Brake; working as a standard die holder (adjusted to every type of die) and as a not-removable hemming tool; reduces machine opening –> shorter and cheaper tools can be instaled;